Lafayette, INDIANA - Purdue University - Memorial Union Building - 1940: In the early days of the twentieth century, the Purdue community began to see the need for a place where all University life could center and a place to receive alumni and campus visitors. Students had been meeting in a room above Southworth's Bookstore in the Village. Similar institutions had already built union buildings, or were at least in the process of building them. George O. Hayes, a member of the Class of 1912, first proposed the idea of a union at Purdue. The student council endorsed the idea, and the Class of 1912 established and contributed to a union fund drive in lieu of a class gift. In previous years, each senior donated toward the completion of the new Memorial Gymnasium. When the Memorial Gymnasium was completed, it was decided that senior donations would go towards a union building. A constitution was prepared and approved at a mass meeting of students and faculty on April 17, 1912. A Financial Campaign Committee consisting of students, faculty, alumni, the University President and a trustee was formed. The fund continued to grow until the onset of World War I. At the close of the war, Purdue looked at the record of her sons and daughters in the service, and in many minds there arose the thought that the union should stand as a permanent memorial to those 4,013 who had served and those 67 who had died for their country. With this idea, the name "Purdue Memorial Union" came into being. Guiding the Purdue Memorial Union project from start to finish was the Chicago architectural firm of Irving and Allen Pond. The Pond brothers already had long and distinguished careers before receiving their call from West Lafayette early in 1921. The large number of private houses, hotels, churches and other public buildings in Chicago and throughout the Midwest that originated from the Ponds' drawing board testified to the great appeal of their designs. By the late 1920's there were about 35 student unions across the nation. Most Big Ten schools had a union at this time. The University of Michigan boasted a Pond and Pond design for its union as did Michigan State University and the University of Kansas. Completion of the Purdue Memorial Union would make Irving and Allen Pond the most prominent figures in this new architectural field. The Michigan Union in particular caught the attention of the Purdue Memorial Union building committee as they searched for the right architect. The Ponds were near the end of their five-year project in Ann Arbor at about the time the Purdue people were beginning to formulate and express their conception of the ideal student union. At the Union's dedication ceremonies, Pond stated that he believed that the completed structure was an expression of "poise and physical and spiritual strength and firmness shot through and modified by spiritual aspiration." Its purpose was twofold. First, the broad, simple and harmonious masses of the building would proclaim to the world the freedom and unity of life found within. Second, the many architectural details and ornaments inside and out would minister to the unified life by symbolizing the harmonious interplay of structural forces and hence an ordered society. For Irving Pond, the Union was ultimately a symbol of social solidarity, of life itself. Architectural Details: *The stained glass windows represent the mixing of students of all races and creeds within its walls. *The interior stone arches represent the ruggedness, sincerity and individualism of the students. *The upswept arches of the windows symbolize the youth and spirit of the Union. *The gold and black cross on the floor of the Great Hall honors the 67 Purdue men who gave their lives for their country during World War I. It has since been extended to honor all Purdue faithful who lost their lives in service to the United States of America. This Photochromatic card, published in 1940, is in good conditon. Genuine Curteich-Chicago "CT American Art". No. 0B880-N. Distributed by Twin City News Agency, Lafayette, Ind.